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Class 8: Ancient American Civilizations

Welcome to the Class 8 research guide on ancient American civilizations!

For this research assignment, you will answer the following question:
Why was [topic] important to the [chosen civilization]?

Remember, you need a minimum of 4 sources for your paper:

• 1 reference source
• 1 secondary source (which must be a book (print or ebook))
• 1 primary source (this might be an artifact, a work of art, or written text)
• 1 “wild card” source of your choice (any of the above)

Below are some reference sources to help you begin your research, get some background information on your chosen civilization, and narrow down your broad topic.

Image: "Monte Albán Ruins." In World History: Ancient and Medieval Eras, ABC-CLIO, 2022.

Don't know your library number? Send an email to Ms. Oldham!
Need help finding OR figuring out a source? Send an email to Ms. Oldham!
Confused about citations? Send an email to Ms. Oldham!

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