This is the 2021 Upper School Summer Reading List!
Here you will find over 95 books all hand-picked by Ms. Oldham and Ms. Davis for their unputdownable plots, engrossing characters, thought-provoking themes and ideas, and overall excellence. We encourage you to read at least two books for fun over the summer.
While we're sure you've had enough of screens, we'll let you know if any of these recommended reads are available as eBooks or audiobooks through Sora, Chapin's digital library. Sora can be accessed through a computer or downloaded as an app on various devices. In order to check out any of the titles, all you need is your Chapin library number. We also encourage you to check out books from your local public library, which will have its own collection of eBooks and audiobooks.
If you do not know your Chapin library number, simply send an email to Ms. Oldham ( or Ms. Davis (
We have also included the list of course-specific required summer readings. You can find those by clicking on the "Required Reading" tab at the left, and then selecting your grade. Remember, not all classes have required summer reading, so be sure to scroll down through the entire list.
A note for rising 11s and 12s regarding required summer reading: Please do NOT order any books until you receive your confirmed schedule from the registrar's office on July 19th.
If you have any questions about required summer reading, send an email to Ms. Oldham or Ms. Predovan ( in the Registrar's Office.
Have a wonderful, book-filled summer!
Ms. Oldham & Ms. Davis