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Class 9: Mesoamerican Societies

Welcome to the Class 9 research guide for the Mesoamerican Societies Project!

Linked throughout are resources that will help you as you move through the research process.

Remember, some names or terms may have alternate spellings, or have changed to entirely different words over time. For example, the Mayan word for Quetzalcóatl is "Kukulcán." Once you find an alternate spelling, be sure to write it down in your notes and make a part of your search strategy. You never know how an author is going to refer to something!


Image: Maya mask. Stucco frieze from Placeres, Campeche. Early Classic period (c. 250 - 600 AD), National Museum of Anthropology, Mexico City.

Don't know your library number? Send an email to Ms. Oldham!
Need help finding OR figuring out a source? Send an email to Ms. Oldham!
Confused about citations? Send an email to Ms. Oldham!

reference databases

ebooks covering a specific culture